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22. A general meeting of the Members shall be held annually in the month of May for the consideration of any changes to these Rules proposed in accordance with this Section C.  No Member proposed change to the Rules shall be permitted, whether for consideration in the May general meeting or at any special general meeting convened under Rule 23, if such proposed Rule change would affect the commercial and/or financial affairs of the Association or the structures and/or composition of the Pyramid League System as prescribed by the Association from time to time in the Regulations for the Pyramid League System or its equivalent. In the event of any conflict between this Rule and any other Rule in this Section C, the provisions of this Rule shall apply. 

23. In addition to the May general meeting, the Chief Executive Officer shall convene a special general meeting of the Members for the consideration of changes to the Rules either :- 

23.1 when the Directors inform the Chief Executive Officer that they have resolved that a special general meeting should be convened and state the wording of the proposed change or changes to the Rules; or 

23.2 upon receipt of a written requisition to convene such a Meeting signed by or on behalf of a quorum of at least forty (40) Members (excluding individual Councillors) signed by the Recognised Signatories, such requisition shall state the wording of the proposed change or changes to the Rules. 

24. The wording of any change to the Rules proposed by the Directors or any Member (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any individual Councillor but excluding, from 1st August 2023, any Past President or Life Councillor) for consideration at the May general meeting shall be notified to the Chief Executive Officer:- 

24.1 in the case of any change to the Rules proposed by any such Member, on or before 31st March in that year in the form of a written notification, duly signed by the individual Councillor or, the Recognised Signatories (as applicable); or 

24.2 in the case of a Rule change proposed by the Directors on or before 30th April in that year. 

25. The Chief Executive Officer shall notify all Members (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the members of the Council) of the date, time and place of all meetings of the Members ten (10) clear days in advance, such notice to be in writing and to contain details of the proposed Rule changes to be discussed.

26 At meetings of the Members:- 

26.1 all Members (excluding individual Councillors)  shall be entitled to send one representative to the meeting. Such representative must produce a written authority signed by the Recognised Signatories authorising him/her to be such representative at the meeting. All Members being members of Council shall be entitled to attend meetings in person. No person shall represent more than one body or person at a meeting, except that any person may in addition to acting in person or as the representative of a Member body also act as proxy for another Member or Members; 

26.2 all Members or their representatives (except, from 1st August 2023, Past Presidents and Life Councillors) shall be entitled to one (1) vote at meetings. A Rule shall be amended, removed or added if two thirds of those voting at the meeting vote in favour of the proposal; 

26.3 Members (except, from 1st August 2023, Past Presidents and Life Councillors) shall be entitled to vote at meetings by proxy. The Member shall complete the proxy form as prescribed by the Chief Executive Officer from time to time. The form of proxy shall be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer a minimum of three (3) calendar days prior to the meeting; and

26.4 the President if present, or if absent the Deputy President if present, or if both are absent one of the Vice-Presidents, shall preside as chairperson at all meetings unless there be no such chairperson present within fifteen (15) minutes of the time appointed for the start of the meeting in which case the Members present shall choose any other Councillor to be chairperson of that meeting. 

27. Amendments to the Rules made at the May general meeting shall come into force at the beginning of the following Season, except that:- 

27.1 where at any time the Directors propose an amendment, the Directors shall have the right to designate that the amendment come into force at an earlier date as stipulated by the Directors in the notice of the general meeting sent to Members proposing the amendment; or 

27.2 where an amendment is not proposed by the Directors and the amendment is made after the May general meeting but before the commencement of the next Season, the amendment shall not come into force until the beginning of the Season after that unless deemed practicable to implement by the Directors, in which case the amendment shall come into force at the beginning of the Season immediately following the amendment.

First Published

08 September 2020

Last Updated

03 August 2022

Part Of


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